Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparison Of Romulus And Remus And The Story Of Cain And...

Livy’s rendition of Romulus and Remus and the story of Cain and Abel in the bible are two stories that, at first glance, appear to be comparable to each other. However, with deeper examination, both of the stories have differing deeper meanings, and begin to drift apart with more digging. Both stories have different purposes, with the myth Romulus and Remus giving a mythological origin to the Roman civilization. Meanwhile, the story of Cain and Abel revolves around favoritism and criticism. These two different interpretations are only one of the many differences between the two tales. However, both of them can be classified as creation myths, with Romulus and Remus creating the city of Rome, and Cain creating the city of Enoch. With this†¦show more content†¦The lack of an age gap that exists in Cain and Abel is what reinforces this point, if one brother was supposed to be superior to another, then there would have been an age gap signifying the older brother as the s uperior brother. Although this does hinge on whether one thinks the story was created or just a piece of history, but the sentiment is there. This idea can be extended into their interactions with God. Both of the stories hinge upon the key interaction with God that triggers the quarrel between the brothers in both stories. Romulus and Remus both had comparable signs from god, with one coming earlier, but the other coming stronger. Because of this, the signs can be seen as equal, and therefore they both had an equal claim to the throne of Rome. This is an interesting idea because it could be foreshadowing for the end of the king in Rome, and perhaps could have implied that both Romulus and Remus should have reigned together as consuls. This is alluded to in some variants of the Romulus and Remus story where both brothers are said to have ruled together. When it comes to Cain and Abel however, their sacrifices were not received as equal, and Abel’s sacrifice was clearly preferred. This is simply because Cain brought and sacrificed some random pieces of fruit that he found on the ground (Genesis 4:3), and Abel brought the fats from the firstborn of his sheep (Genesis 4:4). Ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s clear that Abel’s offering outweighs Cain’s

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