Sunday, December 29, 2019

Solar Energy The Ultimate Renewable Resource Manish Kumar

SOLAR ENERGY IS THE ULTIMATE RENEWABLE RESOURCE Manish Kumar (EE B.Tech) Universal Institute of Technology, Garhi (Hisar) Abstract-The energy availability is essentially needed for all living beings in life .The energy resource like coal, natural gas and petroleum products are non-renewable fossil fuels .These are finite and can be used for limited period of time. Non-renewable resource are also cause environmental pollution .In India various energy source include coal(48%),natural gas (21%,),nuclear (20%),hydro(6%),solar ,wind ,biomass(3%) and other resource (2%).The average energy demand per capita in India 631 kwh(1.7 kwh/day)which is lower as compare to developing countries. Solar energy is the energy with help of which we can generate electricity directly used for heating and cooking .For generation of electricity we use photovoltaic cells or we can say solar cells .India is acclaimed for its sunny areas most of country receive more than 4 kwh/m3/day with more than 300 sunny days per year in most of part of country. Solar energy is free from air pollution, indefinitely sustainable ,helps in preventing the fossil fuels that is why solar energy is the ultimate renewable resource.Show MoreRelatedI Love Reading Essay69689 Words   |  279 PagesEarly Stage Finance Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Business Environment for Entrepreneurship Conclusion: Encouraging Entrepreneurship List of Stakeholders and Details of Entrepreneurs Surveyed Entrepreneurship Proï ¬ les Methodology List of Resources Glossary vii viii 1 9 21 29 49 71 89 97 105 163 165 169 Annexure II : Annexure III : Annexure IV : Annexure V : Table of Contents iii List of Figures Figure 1.1 : Figure 1.2 : Figure 2.1 : Figure 2.2 : Figure 2.3 : Figure 2.4 : Figure

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay - 1689 Words

Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Jane Eyre was written in the mid-nineteenth century and is set during the Victorian period, at a time where a womens role in society was restrictive and repressive and class differences were distinct. A job as a governess was one of the only few respectable positions available to the educated but impoverished single women. Schools of the 19th century were strict, and they demanded much hard work and participation from the students, however, just the same, children of the time loved going to school. Most children felt that it was a privilege to attend school and they especially enjoyed the time it gave them to be with and socialize with other children. This is reflected in the novel because†¦show more content†¦Children in Victorian society were taught to be good Christians, and this is shown in the novel by Helens strong belief in God and her self-denial as a result of her Christianity and Mr Brocklehursts attitude towards Jane after she tells him she does not find psalms interesting. The novel begins in Gateshead Hall where due to Janes lower status; Mrs. Reed treats Jane as an outcast. Mrs. Reed is a conventional woman who believes that her class standing sets her to be superior, and therefore better than a member of her own family. As a result of Janes tantrums, quick temper, and lack of self-control, classifies her as an immoral person. As Bessie and Miss Abbot drag Jane to the red room she is told by Miss Abbot: No; you are less than a servant for you do nothing for your keep. Miss Abbot believes God will punish her, that he might strike her in the midst of her tantrums. Miss Abbot constantly reminds Jane that she is wicked, she needs to repent, and she is especially dependent on prayer. The Reed children, in contrast, are treated completely opposite. Although John Reed is cruel and vicious to Jane, he receives no type of warning that God will punish him. Bessie and Miss, Abbot especially, treat Jane as if she is the enemy andShow MoreRelated A Plea for Help in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre1563 Words   |  7 Pages One early example of anorexia is present in the novel Jane Eyre. Written in the mid-nineteenth century by Charlotte Brontà «, this book describes a young girl whose personality bears striking similarities with that of a diagnosed anorexic. The life of the main character, Jane, has also been shown to share innumerable similarities with Brontà « s own life. Biographical information from researchers and autobiographical information from Jane Eyre (whether intentional or not) verify that Brontà « had an eatingRead More The Oppressed Female in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre886 Words   |  4 PagesThe Oppressed Female in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontà « clearly demonstrates the relationship between sexuality and morality in Victorian society through the character of Bertha Mason, the daughter of a West Indian planter and Rochesters first wife. Rochester recklessly married Bertha in his youth, and when it was discovered shortly after the marriage that Bertha was sexually promiscuous, Rochester locked her away. Bertha is called a maniac and isRead MoreEssay on An Analysis of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre1431 Words   |  6 PagesAn Analysis of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre is presented in the Victorian Period of England. It is a novel which tells the story of a childs maturation into adulthood. Janes developing personality has been shaped by her rough childhood. She has been influenced by many people and experiences. As a woman of her time, Jane has had to deal with the strain of physical appearance. This has a great effect on her mental thinking and decision making. Jane Eyres cognitiveRead More Christianity in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay1870 Words   |  8 PagesChristianity in Jane Eyre      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Charlotte Bronte addresses the theme of Christianity in the novel Jane Eyre. Bronte states: Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. To attack the first is not to assail the last (35). In Jane Eyre, Bronte supports the theme that customary actions are not always moral through the conventional personalities of Mrs. Reed, Mr. Brocklehurst, and St. John Rivers.    The issue of class is prevalent in the novel. The novelRead More Sympathy for Jane Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay1761 Words   |  8 PagesSympathy for Jane Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre In the first two chapters of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte creates sympathy for Jane from the settings she uses like the red room, which comes up later in chapter two. Also with all the metaphors of Janes true feelings under the surface and the ways that the chapters are structured. Charlotte Bronte starts off the book straight to the point as if we just enter Janes mind at this moment in time, it is meant to draw the reader in and at onceRead Moreâ€Å"Theme of Education in Charlotte Brontes ‘Jane Eyre’†2148 Words   |  9 PagesSet in the nineteenth century, Jane Eyre describes a woman’s continuous journey through life in search of acceptance and inner peace. Each of the physical journeys made by the main character, Jane Eyre, have a significant effect on her emotions and cause her to grow and change into the woman she ultimately becomes. Her experiences at Lowood School, Thornfield Hall, Moor house, and Ferndean ingeniously correspond with each stage of Jane’s inner quest and development from an immature child to an intelligentRead Moreâ€Å"Theme of Education in Charlotte Brontes ‘Jane Eyre’†2163 Words   |  9 PagesSet in the nineteenth century, Jane Eyre describes a woman’s continuous journey through life in search of acceptance and inner peace. Each of the physical journeys made by the main character, Jane Eyre, have a signific ant effect on her emotions and cause her to grow and change into the woman she ultimately becomes. Her experiences at Lowood School, Thornfield Hall, Moor house, and Ferndean ingeniously correspond with each stage of Jane’s inner quest and development from an immature child to an intelligentRead MoreAnalysis of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essays1499 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Brontà « under the male pseudonym of Currer Bell in 1847. It is a semi autobiography and is a mixture of realism, romance and Gothic. During this time women were seen as beings of inferior status. The plot of Jane Eyre follows a bildungsroman. Janes growth is traced from childhood and innocence to adulthood and maturity. It depicts the story of a woman who is capable of strong emotions andRead More Sexism Exposed in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesSexism Exposed in Brontà «s Jane Eyre       The Victorian era in England marked a period of unprecedented technological, scientific, political, and economic advancement.   By the 1840s, the English had witnessed remarkable industrial achievements including the advent of the railways and the photographic negative.   They had witnessed the expansion of the Empire, and, as a result, were living in a time of great economic stability.   Yet they had also seen thousands of people starving-and dying-dueRead MoreEssay about Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre1770 Words   |  8 PagesCharlotte Brontes, Jane Eyre, a story of an unfortunate you whos morals and self-respect continue to fluctuate as she matures. Jane Eyre begins her life in the wrong place at the wrong time. During the novel, Jane endures love, hate and friendship, though maturity allows her to forgive. Settings surrounding Janes life alter her own ideas of self-acceptance, her actions taken to release herself from certain settings have effect on her. In the first few chapters, Bronte establishes Janes

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Types of Grammar Test free essay sample

After choosing the best paraphrase, click on the button to check your answer. 1. Fatma worried about passing the very difficult test. a. Receiving a passing grade on the difficult exam concerned Fatma. b. Fatma was worried about receiving good marks on the test, which was very hard. . Three issues are especially crucial to understanding the possible uses of the human genome. a. Three things are especially crucial to understanding the possible uses of the human genome. b. Understanding potential uses of the human genome is linked to three vital issues. 3. While most people are aware of such medical possibilities, they are less aware of the fact that genes can also uncover a great deal about humankinds history and culture. a. Many persons are aware of such medical possibilities, but they are less knowledgeable about peoples history and culture. b. Most people know that genes are linked to potential medical advances. We will write a custom essay sample on Types of Grammar Test or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, what they do not realize is genes can also tell us about a society and its past. 4. On June 26 Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, and Craig Venter, head of Celera Genomics, announced that they had completed thereading of a rough draft of the human genome the complete set of human DNA. a. On June 26 two scientists stated they had finished the initial reading of the human genome. b. It was announced by two researched that they had read the first reading of the complete set of human DNA. . The fact that adult Europeans are twice as likely as Asians to tolerate lactose in milk reflects a much longer history of dairy farming in the West. a. In comparison to Europeans, adult Asians have an inability to tolerate lactose in dairy products such as milk. This is because Europeans have had dairy farms longer than Asians. b. Twice as few Asians can tolerate lactose in milk. However, the Europeans, who have a long history of dairy farming, can better tolerate the lactos e. Note how the context in a passage like the following, from the Cambridge First Certificate in English Testpack 1, allows the tester to elicit specific structures, in this case interrogative forms. In the following conversation, the sentences numbered (1) to (6) have been left incomplete. Complete them suitably. Read the whole conversation before you begin to answer the question. (Mr. Cole wants a job in Mr. Gilbert’s export business. He has come for an interview. ) Mr Gilbert: Good morning, Mr Cole. Please come in and sit down. That might be a little difficult. What are your qualifications? 5) I mean what languages besides English? Mr Cole: Well, only a little French. Mr Gilbert: That would be a big disadvantage, Mr Cole. (6) Could you tell me why ? Mr Cole: Because I’d like to travel and to meet people from other countries. Mr Gilbert: I don’t think I can help you at present, Mr Cole. Perhaps you ought to try a travel agency. Choose the correct answer to fill in the gaps. Can we see the earth is a globe? Yes, we can, when we watch a ship that sails out to sea.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spanish Settlement Of The West Essay Example For Students

Spanish Settlement Of The West Essay International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet what is today the United States Southwest, it was not England and Spain. Rather the two powers were the United States and Mexico. Both Counties had broken off from their mother countries. The conflict that erupted between the two countries where a direct result of different nation policies. The United States had a policy of westward expansion, while Mexico had a policy of self protection. The Americans never had a written policy of expansion. What they had was the idea of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the region. The driving force behind the settlement was silver in the region. The Spanish settled the region through three major corridors; central, western and eastern. The first settlements were mainly through the central corridor. The Spanish went thorough what is now the modern Mexican state of Chihuahua into the U.S. state of New Mexico. Eventually the Spanish established the city of Santa Fe in 1689. The eastern corridor was through modern day Texas and led to the establishment of San Antonio. The eastern expansion was caused by the French expansion into modern day Louisiana. The Spanish crown wanted a buffer between the F rench in Louisiana and central Mexico. The last corridor of expansion was in the west, through the sea, which led to the establishment of San Diego in 1769 and Los Angles in 1781. The Spanish were not the only European power to colonize the new world; French, English and the Dutch also settled North and South America. The Spanish and the French settled what is present day U.S.-Mexico border region. The French settled modern day U.S. midwest, while the Spanish settled present day Mexico and U.S. southwest. As time went on, European influence in the region diminished.. The French sold there claims to the United States, in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821. Once the United States bought the Louisiana Purchase, western expansion began. This set the stage for major conflict in the region. The United States gained independence from England in 1775. After 1775, the Americans started to expand west. By the time Mexico gained independence, the Un ited States had reached the Mexican frontier. Mexico needed to protect its northern borders. To protect the border region, Mexico needed to populate the area. Mexico continued the policy started by Spain of allowing Americans to settle Texas. The Americans had to follow Mexican law, religion and customs. The settlement of Texas played into the United States expansion plans. .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e , .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .postImageUrl , .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e , .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e:hover , .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e:visited , .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e:active { border:0!important; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e:active , .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud1e66143660560e60917f43e89998e3e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shindlers List EssayEventually Mexico City closed Texas from more Americans from entering. This angered the Americans wanting to enter and Americans already living in Texas. Texas revolted from Mexico in 1833. Mexicans did live in Texas, and fought for the independence of Texas. The majority of Texans were Americans and fought for their independence. After the war the Americans intentionally or non-intentionally forced most Mexicans out of Texas. The ones that stayed faced racial tensions that continue to today. After gaining independence from Mexico, Texas wanted to join the United States immediately. The U.S. Congress voted against Texas from joining the Union. Congress was worried that annexation of Texas would anger Mexico. Mexico had never officially recognized Texas as independent. Congress was concerned that annexation would start a war with Mexico. Mexicos repose to American annexation was not the only factor in deciding against annexation. If Texas was to become a state, it would be a slave state. At the time, the United States an even balance between slave and non-slave states. Texas entering the Union would disrupt the balance, giving slave states an advantage in the U.S. House and Senate. Since the United States was not ready to annex Texas, Texas declared itself a sovereign country. In 1837 President Andrew Jackson formally recognized Texas a country. Texas wanted to be part of the United States. It needed the protection of the Untied States. President Tyler could not get the 2/3 majority needed to admit Texas. Instead, he changed the law to require only a simple majority. It was not until 1845 and two Presidents later that Texas was annexed into the United States. Mexico protested the admission of Texas into the United States. The United States saw Mexicos protest as a excuse to spend troops into Texas The annexation of Texas was a represented the United States expansion goals. The United States wanted to settle in Texas, but Mexico owned the land. That did not matter to the United States, they settled in the region regardless. The Americans that settled the region agreed to Mexican law and customs, but still considered themselves Americans. After the annexation of Texas, Texas also wanted to expand. Texas claimed that New Mexico and California were part of Texas. The boundary with Mexico was also disputed. The United States claimed that the Texas border was at the Rio Grande. Mexico disagreed, Mexico stated the border was at Nueces River. The United States did try to settle matters diplomatically. The United States sent inexperienced diplomat John Slidell. Slidell tried to buy area known as the U.S. Southwest. Slidell, being an inexperienced diplomat, was rejected. Not only was he not successful in buying the land, he aroused Mexican fears. This set the stage for the Mexican-American War. The United States also had no written policy of expansion, but the government quietly supported it. The United States has always had troops the region, even though they held no land in the region The United States kept ships off the coast of California. In 1842 the U.S. commander in the region, Commodore Thomas Jones, attacked and took the city of Monterrey in California. He falsely believed that Texas and Mexico were at war. Once he realized his mistake he withdrew his forces and apologized to the Mexian government for his action and claimed that he did not act with orders from the U.S. government. Although Jones claimed that he did not act with orders from the U.S. government, clearly the government did not stop the practice. Another example of the United States expansion goals was the Mexican-American War. This is the first time America has fought a war with land expansion as its main goal. The war started on April 25 1846 with the attack from Mexican troops and the counter attack from General Taylor of the U.S. Army. Taylor sent a message to President Polk that hostilities have started. President Polk, with a pre-drafted declaration of war, asked Congress to declare war against Mexico. President Polk knew that Mexico would lose the war and would gain new lands in the end. The Mexican-American war lasted two years, and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadeloupe on February 2 1848. The United States had succeeded in winning the war. With the Treaty of Guadeloupe the United States had succeeded in completing its Manifest Destiny. The Treaty itself represented the United States expansion goals. The United States wanted to settle on were the international border was to be. Mexico wanted the border to north of the Rio Grande river, but finally decided upon the middle of the Rio Grande river. Mexico having been bankrupt from the war, agreed to take the 15 million as payment for the vast land. In addition, the United States agreed to pay off all Mexican deb ts owed to the United States. This amount was small in comparison to what the United States gained in territory. The United States took advantage of a weak country of obtained its expansion goals. .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 , .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .postImageUrl , .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 , .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2:hover , .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2:visited , .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2:active { border:0!important; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2:active , .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2 .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf47a40a138212b1213afe3e4de2c67d2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Why huck finn shouldnt be banned EssayAnother example of the United States taking advantage of Mexico is the Gasden Purchase. The Gasden Purchase was ratified in 1854 for the selling price of 10 million. Mexico was going through rough economical time and desperately needed the money. The United States seeing an opportunity to build a railroad through the region brought the land at a cheap price. The selling of the Gasden Purchase was the down fall of President Santa Ana, and led to his replacement. The conflicts along the border region were a direct result of U.S. expansion policies and Mexican fear for the United States. The Americans saw Manifest Destiny, westward expansion, as there God given right. The United States proved often that it supported policy of expansion. With the Mexican-American war, the United States completed its Manifest Destiny. The United States completed Manifest Destiny at the cost of the Mexican government and its people.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Learn How to Get Better at Math with These Effective Tips

Are you an A grade student? But mathematics is where your intelligence is just stuck ? You can’t help putting off your math assignments? Has your math teacher given you an assignment? Do math courses scare you? Solving math problems is the biggest source of your anxieties. You want this to end but don’t know what to do? We can feel you and this article will show you how to get better at math and do your assignments in a better way. Quick Links 1. How to Get Better at Math? 1.1 Face the Fear 1.2 Poor Math Skills 1.3 Take Your Time Before Launch 1.4 Understand Concepts 1.5 Relate Math to Real Life 1.6 Visualize the Problem 1.7 Handwriting Should be Legible 1.8 Practice, Practice and Practice Math is a headache. Isn't it? At times it seems like a person is learning a new language!! Amongst all the complex subjects, students in high school and college often struggle to solve mathematical problems. Believe me! Math is by no means complex. While solving mathematical problems, students face issues because of their own perception. Yes, the pre-mindset of not being able to solve it correctly is the monster that kills grades. 1. How to Get Better at Math If you have made as far as reading this article, it shows that you are determined to find out how to improve math skills and get better at it. There is one thing that you need to keep in your mind, math is all about practice. It is not something that you can learn just be reading. So, grab your pen or pencil and start practicing. Know that we have got your back; in this article, we have discussed effective math tips and tricks for solving math problems and overcoming your math phobia. There are many things that you need to keep in your mind in the journey of how to get better at math. Some of those are mentioned below, sit tight and read away. 1.1 Face the Fear When you hear the word math, what comes to your mind? Well, it must be fear in most of the cases. Emotions get associated with fear. To kill the fear, courage is necessary. Read on to master the techniques of solving hard math problems with courage and confidence 1.2 Poor Math Skills? Poor mathematical skills are not the reason. You must be wondering! How does a student with poor score is being blamed for poor math skills? The blame certainly exists but on something else. Many students scream when it comes to memorizing mathematical methods in the examination hall. As mentioned above, the idea is to practice, only then your skills will improve. It is not about you being less skillful, you are like all the students who get an A grade in Math. It is about building your own skill and working on it. Long Term Memory However, choosing the correct equation and remembering the perfect methodology are important if you are looking to get ahead with your math paper. Again, the only way you will be able to memorise all these methods is if you practice and solve the math problems. Isn't it challenging for you to get a hold of these things when it comes to solving questions? Long-term memory is the key to success and ace at a mathematical problem. So, the fact that you can't memorize formulas doesn't mean that you don't possess math skills. To solve this problem, consider the following techniques: Make yourself familiar with the formulas beforehand by practicing. Don't simply cram them, understand the connection between the formula and its meaning. Watch different video tutorials to increase your understanding. Use flashcards to memorize them effectively. Solve math problems that make use of the different formulas for better clarity. 1.3 Take Your Time Before Launch Solving a question you practiced at home sounds amazing. Hold on! There is no need to rush. Math has a deceiving nature. The overconfidence to solve an equation may trap you. It is essential to read the question carefully or at least twice. The rush to solve may cause you to lose grades and in extreme cases, get you a big zero. Lucky for you, the issue is solvable. You must be familiar with the concept of word problem from your Math class. Keep that lecture in mind before starting the solution. Yes, take your time to read math word problem; the answer is hidden in the question itself; all you need to do is pay attention and read it carefully and not jump straight to solving it. 1.4 Understand Concepts Simply relying on cramming formulas isn't enough for you to understand the math concepts. If you don't understand the basic concepts behind what you are doing, that will only make it difficult to solve the problems. Before you start, make sure that your mathematical concepts are clear and you're aware of what you're doing.1.5 Relate Math to Real Life Applying math problems to our daily life and how math is used in real life can help increase your understanding. Form a study group with your friends to test math problems in reality, it will be fun and will also aid in the learning math process. In fact, a fun maths study group can actually help enhance your skills. 1.6 Visualize the Problem The most productive technique is visualizing the mathematical problem. Often, we have difficulty understanding math problems all together; if we break it down with the aid of drawings or pictures, the problem becomes solvable. Now you must be thinking that not everyone is an artist to draw spectacular visuals. Well, you don't need to be one; a simple picture or drawing that is enough to serve the purpose. 1.7 Handwriting Should be Legible A single mistake of the minus sign can be your nightmare in math. If handwriting is clear and neat, such careless mistakes of signs or symbols should not happen. Teachers do not bother to understand what students intended to write; for them, what is written is what the student really means. Unfortunately, they rarely give an edge to the students in these situations. 1.8 Practice, Practice and Practice Practice makes a mathematician perfect. Whatever the level of math problem is, if you practice enough then you can nail it. This strategy is followed by toppers. Yes, do not take it as an exaggerated statement. Effective practice will allow you to have the correct methodology on your fingertips. When you practice repeatedly, other skills also establish. For example, your friends will ask you to teach them. It will further boost your confidence to solve the mathematical questions. Also, go the extra mile and practice additional problems. Start with the simpler ones and as you get comfortable with them, move to the more complicated ones. This is how to get better at math. Have you understood the secret? If not, continue reading and you surely will. Take a Helping Hand Math can take a toll on you even after excessive practice. There is no shame in accepting if you are having an issue with math, most of the people in the real world struggle with the subject too. It is perfectly natural and all you need is guidance and push in the right direction. Experienced masters of mathematical problems are the gurus to solve hard problems. 5StarEssays is a house of such experienced essay experts who will give you the needed guidance. They have polished their problem solving skills after years of experience in the field. Place an order now to reach them and receive an outstanding solution easily for your math homework.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Subcontinent Essay Example

Subcontinent Essay Example Subcontinent Essay Subcontinent Essay In a subcontinent that has been mired by centuries of feudal exploitation, class conflict and colonial subjugation, the prospects of contemporary democratization in South Asia seems utterly difficult, if not patently impossible, especially in the wake of current events in the countries in the region. Nepal is still recovering from the heels of a national crisis that almost toppled the monarchy. Sri Lanka still languishes from the effects of the tsunami disaster in its southern areas, notwithstanding the continuing threat of the Tamil Tigers. Pakistan and Bangladesh have both been experiencing a growth in Islamic fundamentalists that have resulted in suicide bombings. India, on the other hand, despite its so-called vibrant democracy, still has to contend with a growing Maoist insurgency in its countryside and hinterlands.Nonetheless, the paper seeks to examine two of these South Asian states – Nepal and Bangladesh – in terms of how a variety of issues have undermined the ir democratic institutions and the forging of national identities among its population.Nepal –Is it the Monarchy or the Insurgency to Blame?Since the start of the Maoist insurgency led by Prachanda, the Nepalese monarchy and some international commentators have blamed the rebels for undermining the efforts of the present and past governments to establish a truly working democracy in peaceful co-existence with the Nepalese Monarchy. The monarchy charges the Maoist insurgency for terrorizing the villagers in the hinterlands of Nepal, leading blockades of the capital to push the government to its knees.However, since the start of the government crackdown on its political opponents and the dissolution of Parliament, the discourse on the real causes of the curtailment of democracy in Nepal has focused on the repressive measures employed by the monarchy to crush any forms of dissent, to the extent that even the Maoists seem more morally ascendant than the apologists of King Gyanend ra, as royal security forces have resorted to bloody repressive tactics, which according to Amnesty International utilized arbitrary arrests and torture. (Ganguly Shoup, 2005) On the other hand, the mainstream political parties are also to be blamed for undermining the efforts towards democratization in Nepal due to their heedless, endless game of rent-seeking and more than petty personal quarrels and patronage squabbles. (Ganguly Shoup, 2005) All of these inevitably contributed to the rise of the Maoists in the Nepalese politics, that the people have been wary of the conservative and moderate sections of the political system and have learned to embrace the radical politics of the insurgency.On the other hand, the stumbling block to Nepalese democratization also operated in a backdrop of a society that was still enmeshed in socio-economic contradictions which gave the Maoists fertile soil to launch their revolution. In a paper by Stuart Gordon (2005), he explained that –Nep al’s conflict is the product of a complicated convergence of regional, ethnic, and economic inequalities and deprivations. The majority of Nepal’s 36 major   Ã‚   ethnic groups have been marginalized in a power structure in which multi-party   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   democracy and modernization have, perversely, reinforced upper-caste privilege   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   while also highlighting systematic inequality. The Maoists have attempted to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   mobilize grievances by appealing toethnic communities suffering discrimination, such as those of Tibeto-Burmanstock and the Dalits (untouchable castes).While most members of mainstream political parties came from members of Nepalese society’s upper castes, the Maoists were able to secure the support and loyalty of a broad cross-section of the people’s lower castes, promising genuine land reform and a dismantling of the feudal and semi-feu dal political economy that has relegated to poverty much of Nepal’s constituencies. The radical left was also responsible in brokering an alliance between the peasantry and the intelligentsia, which, in classical Maoist theory, was an indispensable alliance in waging revolution.In the long road towards democratization, the left was able to mobilize not only the different economic classes, but ethnic minorities as well that – (Gordon 2005)Partly as a consequence of democratization, the Maoists have been able to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   mobilize other castes and ethnic and familial groups (Dalits, Kham Magar, Sarki,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tamang, Damai, Gurung, Rai, Limbu, etc.), transforming the war from an intra-   elite conflict into a fragmented inter-group struggle. In effect, in addition to being   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   a conflict between ideologies, the war has become a much more broadly based   Ã‚   struggle for emancipa tion from the ruling Brahmin, Chetri, and Newar elite.In all of these, however, it is clear that the state and all its apparatuses have been clearly unable to realize the goals of a democratic Nepal and has since been isolated from the majority of its people, to the extent that the Maoists themselves – the anti-thesis of a free and democratic republic – are taking the cudgels for the monarchy and the mainstream political parties’ patent inability in enforcing a true democratic system that would truly benefit, in political and economic terms, the lives of the people, as it has been the revolutionary movement that has been able to create unities between castes and mobilize the minorities into action in fulfillment of their democratic hopes and aspirations.Bangladesh – The Problems of Transition from Authoritarian RuleBangladesh democracy is also in peril, with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in their country in a backdrop of intense political bickerings among mainstream political parties that has led to relentless political crises. In 2005, the mainstream opposition continued its boycott of the Parliament, including massive street protests to force the ouster of the sitting government. Bangladesh also saw the rise in extrajudicial killings of more than three hundred persons in the span of a few months, notwithstanding the unprecedented death sentences on twenty-two persons for the murder of an oppositionist in Parliament. (Riaz 2006) The Ahmadiyyas, a Muslim subsect, have also been the target of political persecution from all fronts, that radical fundamentalists attacking the Ahmadiyyas are being helped even by Bangladeshi security forces in pulling down signboards of Ahamdiyya mosqes. (Riaz 2006) More so, Bangladesh again topped the list, for the last five years, of Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (Riaz 2006)Nonetheless, all of these seem to be part of the continuing struggle of the Bangladeshi peop le in the path towards democratization, especially in the light of the long experience of the country under authoritarian rule, that the executive branch in government still tends to over-extend its powers despite the existence of a parliament and judiciary to maintain the checks and balances in government. (Datta) More so, because of this difficult transition to democracy, a true democratic culture within Bangladeshi society has not been created yet, that even the very concept of separation of powers and the system of checks and balances have yet to truly take root, especially when assertions of general corruption in high and low offices of government abound, with even the international community convinced of such a phenomenon in the Bangladeshi government. (Datta)ConclusionIn both states, it is clear that governments, past and present, have been clearly unable to establish and sustain a democracy that will truly serve the needs of their people, especially in societies replete with generations of ethnic discrimination and caste oppression, to the extent that a real national identity of Nepalese and Bangladeshis has never been created, except for these societies as a heterogeneous mix of people from different social groupings.   It must be definitely noted, however, that the foudning of democracy in regions that have been beset with decades of socio-economic and cultural contradictions would definitely find difficulty in such an undertaking.The leading state actors in these countries must be able to sufficiently convince their people that building a true democracy is beyond the internal prejudices between classes and ethnic groups and instead founded on libertarian principles of social justice and the rule of law that knows no race nor creed, but only the upliftment of the lives of a society’s people and their pursuit of happiness and dignity, as individuals and as a people.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A survey on recent developments of a specific area in transaction Essay

A survey on recent developments of a specific area in transaction processing - Essay Example The last type of transaction normally reads the information transmitted to the client after a request has been made by the client and the same client update the information and the update is then transmitted to the server for processing. Over the years, techniques have been developed to resolve issues in security, speed and integrity. This would include client-server computing, object-oriented computing, relational database management systems (Myerson, 2002). Over the years several ways of accessing information have been developed as well. Work stations of the oldest mainframe to the current ipads or even mobile phones that enable the clients to access information and data anywhere anytime the way data is accessed have been progressing as well. Clients are generally the users accessing or requesting access to information with the use of devices such as mobile phones and other computing equipment. Keeping expediency and efficiency in mind Clients now-a-days are always on the go, accessing information along the way or even while in transit to another location to perform their job function. These types of client behavior will be the focus of this paper and the study of the various ways or techniques in accessing information that is needed in their job.... Dunham, Helal and Balakrishnan in particular the Kangaroo Model (Dunham, Helal, & Balakrishnan, 1997) and its derivatives will not only expose the integrity of the data it could also increase the computing power requirement from the server side because of the number of active transactions or sessions (JT) created by the single data request as the client moves from one place to another within the sphere of the Network. According to the Kangaroo model as described, the termination of each of the Joey Transaction or JT is dependent on the termination of the last JT. If however the JT somehow failed to terminate for one reason or another that would include loss of power, loss of signal. The Joey Transactions will be open occupying precious resources of the server. The solution to the mobile transaction process described in the paper may have been a viable option at the time of its writing. However, newer technology as well as better solutions has been proven to work as effectively to add ress the mobile computing challenge. The advent of the internet protocol has made streaming transaction possible using mobile devices in any bandwidth and in any type of network SLA (Service Level Agreement – efficiency) or even QoS (Quality of Service). Over the years strategies or concepts have emerged to augment if not enhance the computing experience using the Internet Protocol which would include: Client-Server A more prudent solution would be the client-server model (Kanter, 1997) wherein, client based transactions are done at the client side and the server’s would just be delegated to providing server management and data record access from the database. The client-server model will also limit the role of the network system to data transmission during requests from the client

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflection and Evaluation of Technologies(Module Learning Outcome 2) Essay

Reflection and Evaluation of Technologies(Module Learning Outcome 2) - Essay Example HTML5 falls under client side technology and can be considered to be a rich interface technology, given that it significantly enhances user interaction within a browser. Such technology as HTML5 is crucial in the development of a website since it highly improves the outward appearance of a browser and enhances its functionality as well as the look and feel of an application. Most of the shortcomings of the first generation web applications and development technologies are addresses by HTML5 in addition to the improvement of the user interface. It can be in the form of a fully interactive browser or a web-based enterprise application that is capable of offering the interface functionality and flexibility of a desktop application (Pilgrim, 2010). One of the major advantages of such technology as HTML5 is that it provides safe and result-oriented applications that offer a faster and more expensive interface as compared to the traditional technologies and applications. User interaction with the application becomes more attractive and fun, given the aesthetic value added by HTML5 to the browser and applications. With the adoption of HTML5 in the development of websites and applications, businesses are able to improve their productivity while utilizing advanced communication system to level up their services to their customers (Schmitt and Simpson 2011). There are a number of rich interface technologies, but currently HTML5 is considered to be the best among them. It is the latest revision of the previous HTML developed with the purpose of addressing the needs of modern web applications, mainly in order to eliminate the dependence on external browser plug-ins for most browsers. HTML5 is a significant improvement of the previous HTML, given that it comes with added features and new elements which did not exist in the previous versions of HTML. For instance, the standard web design has been improved

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dealing with Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dealing with Diabetes - Essay Example In the case of diabetes, your body is unable to keep blood sugar within those levels. Instead, your blood sugar consistently runs higher than normal. In Type 2 diabetes, your bodys insulin is unable to lower blood sugar because the fat cells in your body are immune to the effects of the insulin. Theres plenty of insulin in the body but your body isnt responding to it by absorbing the glucose out of your bloodstream. Type 2 diabetics often dont require insulin injections; instead, it may be controllable with diet, weight loss, and exercise. The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled by reaching your â€Å"ideal body weight† and by following a low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced by your body. It lowers your bodys ability to metabolize sugars, while increasing the metabolism of fats. This means that your blood sugar will rise faster, reach higher levels, and stay at those higher levels longer. With higher levels of cortisol, insulin will no longer have an effect on blood sugar levels. If you have a condition that causes chronic stress, then, managing your diabetes becomes much more difficult. You should have regular medical checkups to ensure that you do not have other conditions besides the

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Safe Society Going Risky Sociology Essay

A Safe Society Going Risky Sociology Essay Nothing worth having in life is ever attained without taking risk (Nansen, 1927 p36). Nansen; a great Arctic Explorer and Nobel peace prize winner said this in his speech about the human need for excitement. Not only this man, but up to 50% of Norwegian people are willing to take risks in life (Norwegian national survey, 2003). The number of people participating in extreme sports seems to be growing (,, as is the number of championships in these sports. It seems there is more news about extreme sports and there are more advertisements. An example of a recent risk taking event that made the news in the Netherlands is a thirteen year old girl who wishes to sail around the world on her own. The news of this girl became prime news and many different institutions interfered with the girls plan. The Dutch child protection tried to stop her. Eventually they succeeded; the girl was not allowed to execute her plan by court order. The example in the last paragraph shows a paradox; the contrast in risk-seeking behavior and the risk avoidance or risk minimization in national policies. Modern policies are aimed on risk avoidance, all risks should be minimized (Beck YEAR, Giddens YEAR, Breivik YEAR). Modern societies do this very obviously. Clear examples; bridges, car, airplanes, nuclear reactors, elevators, toys and electrical devices, all should be safe. People all need to behave according to guidelines (i.e. laws) if you do not you will end up in jail. Different kind of examples but good examples nevertheless are an organizer of a raft event was sued for being negligent when in 2007 two young women died when their raft slipped of a dam, insurance companies giving a discount on their insurance if enough smoke detectors and other safety equipment is present in a house, or the building of gas stations outside of urban areas and dozen more examples could be given. What these different exemplifies is a seemed tensi on between the deeply rooted need for excitement on one hand and the risk avoidance policies by societies nowadays. Where could this seemed tension come from? Elias and dunning (YEAR) write in their book -Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process- that modern society constitutes of routines and relative lack of risk. The comparison is made between Greek wrestlers and Roman boxers to modern ones in order to exemplify the extraordinary violence permissible in antiquity and the soft and rule controlled society of present time. There are also empirical data which raise questions about the theory that the quest for the excitement of sports is an escape from the routines of modern life. This data shows a difference between the ‘richer and the ‘poorer side of society. Poorer, more often the most routinized people (i.e. factory workers), seem less prone to look for excitement in sports than the less routinized richer people of society. On the contrary of this empirical data that thrill seeking, risk taking, sensation seeking and all other synonyms of people looking for excitement has been found to be a personality trait and therefore has genetic roots. The genes involved in this trait are closely related to major personality dimensions like extraversion and psychoticism (Eysenck Eysenck, 1977). A paper by Fulker, Eysenck, Zuckermann (1980) discards sensation seeking almost as a disease. ‘Sensation seeking was found to relate to both extraversion and psychoticism but not to neuroticism. The general pattern of relationships to other trait tests suggests that sensation seekers are impulsive extraverts, but not necessarily neurotic or anxious (Fulker et al., 1980 p262). There does not seem to be an at hand answer to the question: Does a safety-orientated society make people want to look for excitement in for example extreme sports? This is the research question for this paper. We hypothesize that a safety orientated society makes people want to look for excitement in for example extreme sports. This paper is a review of articles present about the raised topic and will try to get an insight in if, why and how people are looking for excitement nowadays. In the first chapter we described what we mean by a safety orientated society. In the second a definition is given of excitement and in the thirth excitement is related to risk. The fourth chapter explores whether extreme sports are truly sports. In paragraph one this is done from the perspective of autonomy, and in paragraph two from institutional embeddedness as proposed bij Tamboer Steenbergen (2007). Chapter five gives an answer to the question why people participate in extreme sport. The last chapter mentions in what way extreme sports are influenced bij our safety orientated society. In the conclusion we give answer to our main question. We do this literature study as an assignment of the Sport and Society course as a part of the Master Human Movement Sciences but the outcome of this paper could be meaningful to others interested in the human need for excitement. 1. A safety-orientated society As mentioned in the introduction the safety-orientated society does play a major part this research. Many examples have been given of this supposed risk avoidance society. But what is it and is the society that different than we world we lived in, in the past? Ulrich Beck, a respected sociologist, wrote about the risk society in 1998 (Beck, 1998; Kelman, 2003). Beck describes a risk society as risk avoiding because everything in daily live seem to be focused on risk. Society wants to know everything about risk and want to avoid every risk. All risks should be controllable, calculable and predictable. In other words each task, each product or each activity is at least statistical analyzed for hazards. Although this definition is useful to understand the term ‘risk society Beck and Giddens decided in a collaboration paper to extend the term risk society into six parameters of risk society. Every parameter is interconnected. The parameters are: the omnipresence of risk, risk is ev erywhere. At the very core reflexive modernity is characterized by an awareness of living in a society of increasing vulnerability to the unpredictable, unfamiliar and unprecedented risks manufactured by modern science and technology. Different understandings of risk, the proliferation of the risk definitions, the reflexive orientation to risk and risk and trust. These six parameters make the definition is more comprehensive, because †¦ Besides this cooperation between Giddens and Beck they did not agree completely. Giddens didnt settle with the first short definition. He insisted that ‘risk is not the same as hazard or danger. Risks refer to hazards that are actively assessed in relation to future possibilities (Giddens, 1999). Further contributions of the definition of risk have been made by Wells, Douglas, Luhmann, Joffe and Fox. They represent different disciplinary approaches to risk. To mention all these different approaches would be beyond the purpose of this paper . But the scope of the different authors may be clear. Modern society is a risk society because societies are focused on risk. Although we completely understand the point of view of the different authors we strongly believe that society is, for the same reasons as proposed by the authors, focused on creating a safe society. The reason why we chose for this contrast is based on our point of view. We have a propensity to look at this society as a safety-orientated society, because we feel that societies aim on safety. From this save society we look into the risks of extreme sports. This contributes to the contrast between these factors. Hereby we presume that a person who starts doing extreme sports started his live in this safety-orientated society (i.e. a predictable and therefore maybe boring society). The people who step out of the safety-orientated society to participate in an extreme sport; what are they looking for? 2. Excitement Zuckermann (1983 and 1994) wrote that some sports activities might provide a method by which sensation seekers satisfy their appetite for excitement. Potgieter and Bisschof took it a little further and proposed that sensation seekers are not interested in low risk and low excitement activities such as marathon running (Potgieter, Bisschof 1990). But what is this need for excitement? This chapter will provide a definition for the need of excitement and explain the sub factors that come forward from this definition. In his paper Sensation seeking: Beyond the optimal level of arousal Zuckerman provides a definition which fits seamless in this paper. He states the need for excitement as: ‘Look for excitement is a trait defined by the need for varied, novel, and complex sensations and experiences and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experience(Zuckerman 1979, p.10). Between 1979 and the present there has been done much research on this topic. Other researchers added some dimensions and that is why (Zuckerman 1994, p.26) came with a new definition for looking for excitement: ‘sensation seeking is a trait defined by the seeking of varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal and financial risks for the sake of such experience. Although this better defined definition there was still the need to define it into four sub factors which are: Thrill and Adventure seeking represents the desire to engage in sports or other physically risky activities that provide unusual sensations of speed or defiance of gravity, such as scuba diving or skiing. Experience seeking involves seeking of novel sensations and experience through the mind and senses, as arousing music, even psychedelic drugs, art and travel. Disinhibition describes the seeking sensations through drinking, partying, gambling and sexual variety. Items of this scale indicate seeking of stimulation through other persons. Boredom susceptibility items indicate intolerance for repetitive experience of any kind including routine work and boring people. 3. Excitement related to risk Can we relate look for excitement to risk? Is it a relation? Or can you have excitement without taking risks? If you relate excitement to extreme sport you can answer this question with yes. Besides this perspective, (Highhouse 1996) showed a view from the perspective of society. He uppers that risk could also be taken by threats and opportunities. Threats are related to loss and opportunities are related to gain. (Highhouse 1996) Present an interesting empirical study. This study concludes that people want to take risks but there is a clear leverage beneficial to threats. This basically means that i.e. Program A 400 people will die. Program B 1/3 probability that nobody will die 2/3 probability that 600 people will die. According to Highhouse people will chose for program A. The results typically reveal a framing effect with choices involving gains revealing more risk aversion. The example shows that not always excitement can be related to risk. This test clearly showed that people are risk avoidance. They dont grap the excitement to win 400 lives in fact they chose for not loosing another 200 people. According to (Zuckerman) sensation seeking is always related to risk he wrote biosocial trait of sensation seeking as a predictor of risk-taking behavior. There are good reasons for this as the sensation-seeking motive can illuminate why some people take risks and others do not, and several studies have shown the validity of the concept in this field. Zuckerman related to this concept , behavioral expressions of sensation seeking have not only been found in various kinds of risk-taking behaviors such as driving habits, gambling, health, financial activities, alcohol and drug use, sexual behavior and sports but the trait was found to be also involved in vocational preferences and choices, jobs satisfaction, social; premarital and marital relationships, eating habits and food preferences, creativity, humor, fantasy, media and art preferences and social attitudes. This list of Zuckerman covers all the four sub factors of the definition ‘look for excitement. 4. Extreme sports Many philosophers have askes themselves the questions: ‘what makes sport sport? and ‘what makes sports populair? Like ‘normal or ‘mainstream (Rinehart, 2005) sports, ‘alternative or ‘extreme sports are described by the use of these words while they are never clearly defined. In literature there has not yet been a comprehensive definition, although some have tried. Tamboer Steenbergen (2004) have proposed that sports can be seen from two different perspectives: from its autonomy and from its institutional embeddedness. For the use of this paper the difference between sports and extreme sports is explored by using these perspectives. Extreme sport and its autonomy Bernard Suits describes sport as similar to game and play, and he came up with the following definition (Meier, 1988): ‘to play a game is to engage in an activity directed towards bringing about a specific state of affairs (1), using only means permitted by rules (2), where the rules prohibit more efficient in favor of less efficient means (3), and where such rules are accepted just because they make possible such activity (4). This somewhat philosophic definition can be clarified by an extreme sport example. In downhill mountainbiking a competitor has to follow a specified set out course (1), he is only allowed to use a mountainbike which is approved by the competition organization (2), the course set out by the organization is more difficult than the easiest way down (3) but all competitors apply to these rules because this is the game/sport they are playing Meier (1988) wanted to distinguish sport from game and added a fifth element to the definitions. This fifth element is the demonstration of physical skill. Extreme sports can even better be described by this definition (i.e. think of all the extreme sports with a jury like halfpipe snowboarding, skateboarding, BMX, freestyle windsurfing), but there remain some characteristics which could make extreme sports different from other sports. Most sports that people call extreme are associated with taking (physical) risk. Extreme sports are about the mastering of a skill (Willig, 2008) to overcome the risks mostly caused or provided by the environment. Mastering a skill is highly individual and this makes extreme sports very indivually aimed sports. There is not even a need for an opponent in most cases because it is about the person mastering a skill or overcoming the dangers of the environment, the environment can be seen as the opponent. In extreme sport there are less rules then in many other sport. The natural surroundings make obstacles. This makes the second element in Suits definition of sports less appropriate for extreme sports (i.e. offpiste skiing or snowboarding this is often the most efficient way down). The risk that is associated with extreme sports could be a factor that makes these sports more exciting or more sensational than other sports (or other activities). Also the environment in which these sports take place can account for the feeling of excitement and therefore be a reason to do an extreme sport. Extreme sports and its institutional embeddedness The national and international championships that are organized for many kinds of extreme sports show that there is an institutional embeddedness. Mountainbiking and windsurfing are even at the Olympic sports and are regularly seen on TV. According to Rinehart (2003) extreme sport is mostly developed by young people who are looking for excitement. After this first phase entrepreneurs starting to get in the sport by two ways: firstly businesses develop gear and products, which reduce the risk of an extreme sport. And secondly the sport becomes popular by magazines and TV programs. The results of entrepreneurs who enter the extreme sport is that it becomes popular in general and possible to do for the safe society. A second distinction between extreme sport and a mainstream sport is that the persons who are doing extreme sports aligning themselves with sport in addition to a lifestyle. Which again opens a new market for business ventures and entrepreneurs i.e. clothes and drinks such a s Red bull. These institutions want something to say about the sport. They all profit when extreme sports becomes bigger. There will be more media attention, more sponsors, and more people to buy their products. Extreme sport is highly dependent on expensive material, so as for instance in cycling good material is a never ending business. Could this be the reason for the problem Elias and Dunning proposed? As mentioned in the introduction extreme sports are often done by the ‘richer members of society. This is easily explained by the highly dependence of expensive materials. The members that can afford to escape the routinized boring society. Extreme sport is surrounded by the concept of lifestyle. Extreme sport is not just participating in the sport activity but also in de kind of life that is a part of this sport. In many of these sports, but for instance bicycle motorcross (BMX) and surfing, ‘chilling is a part of the lifestyle. This lifestyle can be seen in de clothe s that people wear, the drinks, the shoes, sunglasses and caps or scarfs. 5. Participation in extreme sports Because it seems extreme sport has become very populair but is also associated with risk (for physical harm or even death) there is the question: ‘Why do people want to participate in extreme sport? Extreme sport seems to distinquish themselves from other sport because of the risk involved. Could it be possible that participators do so because of the risk? And do they need this in order to escape our (boring) safety-orientated society? Taking risk is associated with thrill- and sensation-seeking behavior. This would mean that people are taking risk because of the excitement that comes with it. As mentioned before, in Zuckermans definition of sensation risk-taking behavior is not an essential part, people are only willing to take the risk to experience the sensation. It is possible to experience excitement without risk. Whether people want to experience excitement with or without risk is dependent from the situation. Highhouse (1996) showed risk is perceived as an opportunity when in a loss position, but as a threat when in a gain position. Perceptions of threat or opportunity could have effects on risk taking (Highhouse, 1996). Catar (2006) proposes there is a difference between real risk and perceived risk. Real risk a numerical estimation of the likelihood of an event and perceived risk is influenced by cultural factors. In adventure tourism (activities like bungeejumping, raften, paragliding, etc.) 94% of the participants found there was a very low or non-existent possibility for los, which ment that almost everybody thought the activity was without risk (Catar, 2006). Besides this, the participants evaluate the activities in relation tot the risk of everyday experiences, like driving a car at high speed (Catar, 2006). There can be concluded that de perceivement of risk is dependent on situational factors, and that people do not seek risk but the experience of sensation. Catar (2006) states: ‘Although participants are safe in this knowledge of an outcome, there is no knowlegde as to what the experience might feel like, which is where the attraction really lies. This experience might be so different from everyday experiences, and in combination with an outstanding environmental view the reason for people to participate in extreme sport. At this point rises the question wheter extreme sport is still extreme without the risks involved. And do the experience and environment make extreme sport different from other sports? There are also empirical data which raise questions about the theory that the quest for the excitement of sports is an escape from the routines of modern life. If this is the case, and it certainly seems plausible, how can we explain the well-attested fact that the advantaged rather than the disadvantaged members of society are more likely to do and to watch sports? In other words, those whose lives are least routinized, e.g., professionals, are more likely to seek excitement in sports than those whose lives are most routinized, e.g., factory workers. Perhaps the answer lies in the kinds of sports that are popular with different groups of people. Before people participate in new activities there are two very important elements that must be met. First, people have to be aware of the existence of the activity and the possibility to participate. And, secondly, people have to be in the circumstances that it is possible for them to participate in terms of time, skill, and money. Most extreme sports are quite new and many people are probably unaware of the existence of these activities. By television, advertisments, and stories from friends they become acquinted with the new sports. But before people decide to take part in these sports they have to be in de right circumstances to do so. Most material is very expensive, and there are many sports that cannot be done anywhere. For mountainbiking their have to be tracks or a natural environment, for skiing snowy mountains are needed, for surfing their have to be big waves etc. People who are looking for these circumstances can probably be called sensation-seekers. Donnelly (2006) point out that the way in which research has been done on extreme sports often only includes the core participants. Their mode of participation has come to be called ‘authentic in contrast to the participation of so-called wannabes, posers and nonparticipants. Their relationship with extreme sport is a commercial one. The identification with extreme sport relies for a big part on the adoption of the related lifestyle (Donnelly, 2006). This points out what big influence media, advertisements and groups have on people. And it shows that there are very different kinds of people who participate in extreme sport. Of course this is also the reason why there isnt a simple answer to the question why people do extreme sport. Extreme sport may be so popular in contrast to other sport because most participants are attracted to the lifestyle, the products and may not even be practising the sport itself. 6. Are extreme sports under influence of the safety-orientated society? It could be concluded from chapter 5 that there is a safety-orientated society because people are looking for safety. It is not only our society, but people arent looking for the risk of death of great physical harm. When there are many people who want to take part in extreme sports, safety has to be guaranteed. But when extreme sport becomes safer, there will be more people who want to take part. It seems extreme sport has a very succesfull image which has been made by media and companies. Advertisements and the way the media shows extreme sport make it sound very exciting. But these sports also have a lifestyle that is known as chilling and relaxing. Not only the sport itself but also the special places to go for participating in that sport make it also special and exciting. In this way extreme sport mirrors our safety orientated society. Because the risks have decreased, and physical safety is assured, people can seek their needed thrills and sensation in extreme sport. Conclusion Does a safety-orientated society make people want to look for excitement in for example extreme sports? Our safety-orientated society makes it possible for all kinds of people to seek excitement in extreme sports. Implications Government: If you want excitement then please do an extreme sport instead of experimenting drugs and alcohol because being physically active keeps you healthy and thats safe! References Donnelly, M. (2006). Studying extreme sports: beyond the core participants. Journal of sport and social issues, 30, 219 Elias, N. Dunning, E. (1986). Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process. Oxford, Basil Blackwell Fulker, Eysenck Zuckerman, M. (1980). A Genetic and Environmental Analysis JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY 14, 261-281 Highhouse, S. Yuce, P. (1996). Perspectives, perceptions, and risk-taking behavior. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 65, 159-167 Meier, K.V. (1988). Triad Trickery: Playing With Sport and Games. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, XV, 11-30. Nansen (1927) ‘Adventure, in G. Breivik, THE QUEST FOR EXCITEMENT AND THE SAFE SOCIETY, journ. Safety science Potgieter, J., Bisschoff, F., 1990. Sensation seeking among medium and low risk sports. Perceptual and Motor Skills 71, 1203_/1206. Stranger, M. (1999). The aesthetics of risk. A study of surfing. International review for the sociology of sport, 34 (3), 265-276 Tamboer, J. Steenbergen, J. (2004). Sportfilosofie. Nederland, Budel: Uitgeverij DAMON. Willig, C. (2008). A phenomenological investigation of the experience of taking part in extreme sports. Journal of health psychology, 13, 690 Zuckerman, M., 1983. Sensation seeking and sports. Personality and Individual Differences 4, 285_/292. Zuckerman, M., 1994. Behavioral Expression and Biosocial Bases of Sensation Seeking. Cambridge University Press, New York. Zuckerman, M. (1979): Sensation seeking: Beyond the optimal level of arousal. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Ruch, W. Zuckerman M. ( ). Sensation seeking in adolescence. Hoofdstuk 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stages of Team Development Essay -- Informative, Team Creativity

Introduction Nowadays, team is widely used in organizations, because team is effective. â€Å"A team is not just a group of people who work together or like each other or share opinions. A team is group of people with a common objective.† (Barnes, 2001) More and more organization tends to work in team (Milliken and Martins, 1996). Teamwork is used extensively, because, coaching team is able to effectively get an extraordinary goal (Mitsch, 2010). This essay will write about the reasons of team effective, Firstly, it will write about the percentages of people want to work in a team and the reasons of choice teamwork. Secondly, essay will write about the team has effective tools to solve the problems. Thirdly, essay will write about the effective thinking of team. Fourthly, essay will write about the team creativity. Next, essay will write about the adverse factors are able to influence the efficiency of team, and it also write about the stage of team development which can reduce the disadva ntages of factors. Percentage of teamwork In contemporary organizations, more and more companies tent to plan their employees working in a team (Kocher er al, 2006). In 1995, Osterman found that 54.5%of US American firms work in team (Kocher er al, 2006). The reason of using team working was that they simply have proven to be advantageous for companies (Kocher er al, 2006). In general, team working made better decisions than individuals, and teams often made accepted decisions to larger areas. Therefore, teams have become important tools for identifying high-quality solutions to finding out organizational problems (Kocher er al, 2006). Kocher et al (2006) designed a decision-maker experiment, the beauty-contest game. They found out about 60 ... ...advantage of team creativeness is not complete proof, effectiveness of team creativeness has widely recognized and accepted. Lastly, essay wrote the effectiveness of team can be effect. However, the five stages of team development are able to reduce the problems effect. Each stage has different solution areas, they are include team communicate and team members behavior. In this essay, the effectiveness of team wrote about problem solution, creativity and getting more profit. However, those are not the all good points of team. Team still has another functions or methods to prove the effectiveness of team. Although team still has instability areas, with the development of management, these destabilizing factors will gradually weaken until it disappears. In the future, team will more and more effective, and team will increase the profit in all type of companies. Stages of Team Development Essay -- Informative, Team Creativity Introduction Nowadays, team is widely used in organizations, because team is effective. â€Å"A team is not just a group of people who work together or like each other or share opinions. A team is group of people with a common objective.† (Barnes, 2001) More and more organization tends to work in team (Milliken and Martins, 1996). Teamwork is used extensively, because, coaching team is able to effectively get an extraordinary goal (Mitsch, 2010). This essay will write about the reasons of team effective, Firstly, it will write about the percentages of people want to work in a team and the reasons of choice teamwork. Secondly, essay will write about the team has effective tools to solve the problems. Thirdly, essay will write about the effective thinking of team. Fourthly, essay will write about the team creativity. Next, essay will write about the adverse factors are able to influence the efficiency of team, and it also write about the stage of team development which can reduce the disadva ntages of factors. Percentage of teamwork In contemporary organizations, more and more companies tent to plan their employees working in a team (Kocher er al, 2006). In 1995, Osterman found that 54.5%of US American firms work in team (Kocher er al, 2006). The reason of using team working was that they simply have proven to be advantageous for companies (Kocher er al, 2006). In general, team working made better decisions than individuals, and teams often made accepted decisions to larger areas. Therefore, teams have become important tools for identifying high-quality solutions to finding out organizational problems (Kocher er al, 2006). Kocher et al (2006) designed a decision-maker experiment, the beauty-contest game. They found out about 60 ... ...advantage of team creativeness is not complete proof, effectiveness of team creativeness has widely recognized and accepted. Lastly, essay wrote the effectiveness of team can be effect. However, the five stages of team development are able to reduce the problems effect. Each stage has different solution areas, they are include team communicate and team members behavior. In this essay, the effectiveness of team wrote about problem solution, creativity and getting more profit. However, those are not the all good points of team. Team still has another functions or methods to prove the effectiveness of team. Although team still has instability areas, with the development of management, these destabilizing factors will gradually weaken until it disappears. In the future, team will more and more effective, and team will increase the profit in all type of companies.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sphe 315

Advanced Training Methods Casey Cousins SPHE 315 Professor Moore American Military University September 2, 2012 I am going to describe in detail that compares and contrasts various muscle building approaches. In weight training there are numerous approaches you can take away, in learning how to build muscle perfecting that physique you so badly want. The four different training methods I will compare and contrast today will be, Super Sets, Forced Reps, Pyramid System, and Periodization.Each advanced training method improves your overall fitness goal one way or the other. First we will talk about the super set training method and how it impacts the body when it comes to training. According to http://www. livestrong. com/article/143669-superset-workout-programs/#ixzz25MwKZX7s A superset is an advanced weight training technique or intensity technique. Intensity is an important factor for continued progress and results. Advanced training techniques such as supersets take your workout to a higher level without adding more volume.A superset is two to three exercise sets performed immediately after the other with as little rest as possible in between. Incorporate supersets into your workouts and pump some new energy into your routine. An antagonist superset is performing two exercises back to back for opposing muscle groups. An antagonist muscle moves the joint in the opposite manner of the agonist muscle. Examples of opposing muscle groups include quads/hamstrings, chest/back and biceps/triceps. Set up your superset stations prior to starting the workout so you can move from one exercise to the next with no rest.For the chest and back, perform dumbbell chest presses immediately followed by bent over dumbbell rows. Leg extensions superset with leg curls will hit the quads and hamstrings. To finish off the workout, perform barbell curls with skull crushers. This antagonist superset workout hits all the major muscles. (Livestrong) The Superset is an excellent intensity technique not only for fat loss but for muscle building as well. The Superset is a very simple basic concept. You will perform two exercises

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Midsummers Nights Dream Essays

A Midsummers Nights Dream Essays A Midsummers Nights Dream Essays By the end of Act Two, in the play â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†, the character pairs: Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, and Oberon and Titania are similar because nobody loves the other. Lysander and Hermia were supposed to run away together to get married, but while Lysander was sleeping his eyes were anointed by a flower that had Cupid’s love potion on it and the first person he sees, he will fall in love with. But Hermia wasn’t the first person he woke up too, even though she only about six feet away, Helena was. Helena was roaming the woods looking for Demetrius when she stumbled upon Lysander and thought he was dead. So now Lysander loves Helena while she loves Demetrius. Demetrius, on the other hand, is in love with Hermia and he has her father’s approval to marry her but Hermia is in love with Lysander, so she will have a great surprise when she finds out that her soon-to-be husband is now in love with her best friend. Oberon and Titania are King and Queen of the fairies. Oberon is still in love with Titania even though he cheated on her with Hippolyta, who is getting married in 4 days. But Tiania is ignoring Oberon and focusing all her time and attention on her late friend’s indian son. By the end of Act Two, Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, and Oberon and Titania are very much alike. One character loves another but the other character loves another who loves another. The magical flower that contains Cupid’s love potion acts as a metaphor for the way infatuation acts in real life

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Compare and contrast the sources of competitive Essays

Compare and contrast the sources of competitive Essays Compare and contrast the sources of competitive Essay Compare and contrast the sources of competitive Essay Compare and contrast the beginnings of competitory advantage in the Aero-engine and the food market retail market. Introduction Competitive advantage was a phrase coined by Michael Porter, a direction and economic expert from Harvard, and is used in many facets of strategic and concern direction to try to place the qualities that make a given company moral force, alone and profitable. Competitive advantage is defined by online concern website Prometheas as follows: Competitive advantage is the designation of places and beginnings of advantage that lead to coveted market public presentation results. Beginnings of advantage are superior accomplishments and superior resources. Positional advantages are superior client value and lower relation costs. Performance results are satisfaction, trueness, market portion and profitableness. Technological knowhow can besides supply a competitory advantage and a barrier of entry to competition in some cases. So, in kernel what we are looking at is the accomplishments and resources ; and public presentation, positional and technological effects in certain industries. This wi ll hopefully cast some light upon what precisely needs to be identified in both the Aero-engine and the food market markets. In this essay, I will look in more item at each of these specific points. Skills and Resources Human resources are of exceptional quality when sing the profitableness of a company, although certain personable assets have more importance in some industries than they do in others. For case, the Aero-engine industry relies less upon set uping direct contact with people than the food market industry, which frequently uses selling techniques to the general populace with greater frequence. Naturally, this would reflect upon the accomplishments gathered by the people working for the company. Besides, because food markets are a perishable, it is indispensable that they are distributed rapidly and efficaciously by a adept work force. Although it is still pertinent that an Aero-engine portion has to be distributed, it is likely non indispensable that stairss have to be made to guarantee that the engine is distributed with exceptional velocity. The labour intensity of food market retail is comparatively high in comparing to other industries, as the distribution, skill and sale of fresh g reen goods could supply the difference between the companies’ success and failure to procure a competitory advantage over other rivals. While human resources don’t have to orient to a really specific sort of skilled worker, it still remains of import that accomplishments are managed and coordinated really specifically, as a really good work force is about ever a possible beginning of competitory advantage, particularly in the smaller, more quality-oriented food market ironss. The aero-engine industry, on the other manus, is more concerned about a really specific skill-set of the work force, which can depend upon the part of production and other of import factors such as these. While the retail of perishable goods is non finally reliant upon the location of the mercantile establishment ; so in the companies that have managed to set up a competitory advantage over the resistance in the market, frequently it is the instance that companies will open stores in a viral manne r across the province, state and even, in the instance of supermarkets that tailor to food markets in the minor sense, the universe. Aero-engines, because they operate with a really high skills-base, and most of the labor has been automated due to developments in engineering, besides tend to precipitate a theory known as cluster dynamics or economies of scale . Michael Best ( 2001 ) posits that Behind each [ post-war engineering ] lies an impressive accomplishment base in technology-related subjects and technology methodological analysiss, which facilitate industrial passages, engineering diffusion, and long-run growing. For illustration, turbine engineering, cardinal to the part s planetary leading in jet engine production, has a family tree that began with inventions in H2O turbine engineering to power fabric Millss located in Lowell, Massachusetts in the mid-1800s. Techno-diversification is a effect of a passage to a new, unfastened systems concern theoretical account, a theoreti cal account more appropriate to work the chances offered by systems integrating at the technological level ( 18 ) . Therefore, because the production of jet engines is really specific to a certain country of the state where the industry was originally pioneered and developed, the location of the production base is per se linked to forces in a clearly geographical manner. The accomplishments and resources that are available in HR is indispensable to both the Aero-engine and grocery retail markets in sourcing competitory advantage, but it is besides indispensable that the two industries utilise concern theoretical accounts that reflect their peculiar industries, and to the full work the potencies of their ain workers. Human Resource Management is cardinal to unknoting this development and, particularly in a market driven by new engineerings such as the Aero-engine market it is of premier concern that the company remains every bit advanced as possible at the lowest possible cost. Positional Advantages Positional advantages include offering greater value to clients and cut downing the cost at the concern degree. Both Aero-engine and retail food market have to guarantee that clients get the greatest value for money, but the attack is really different in both industries. In food market retail, there are many factors that can be incorporated to minimise outgo while guaranting that clients are offered value for money , although depending upon the specific scheme and market in this wide sector, this perceived value for money could intend many things. Robert H. Lowson ( 2002 ) remarks that competitory advantage is facilitated through implementing certain, extremely focused schemes that target specific consumers used to having certain degrees of value and quality. Paraphrasing Porter, he argues that three attacks to scheme can be used in order to derive competitory advantage, although, he stresses, these are non needfully reciprocally sole. These are variety-based positioning , needs-base d positioning and action-based positioning ( 49 ) . Variety-based placement is the incorporation of niche-based selling that markets a specific corner of a given industry. Lowson ( 2002 ) posits that this is based on bring forthing a subset of an industry’s merchandises or services utilizing a typical set ofactivities ( 49 ) . For case, a food market retail merchant may take to specialize in a peculiar type or subset of food market retail, in order to go the best and to offer the greatest value for money in that specific field. An illustration of this would be with retail merchants of high-quality nutrient that are sourced more carefully than its mass-market equivalent. For case, the company Unicorn Foods is an organic retail merchant that focuses upon ethical, easy sourced food markets. On the web site ( http: // A ; veg.php ) , they comment that We focal point on regionally produced, seasonal fruit and veggies and we are ever careful which gr owers we buy from [ †¦ ] . While this is doubtless more expensive and less convenient than mass-market grocers, the specific variety-based positioning as a retail merchant of a certain specific niche of the food market market means that achieving and sourcing a competitory advantage over much larger retail merchants will be easier to accomplish in this specific subset, while staying mass-market and non-exclusive in its overall selling run will guarantee that the market will stay comparatively high. Needs-based positioning is concerned about functioning the demands of merely a specific group of people with certain demands. The aero-engine market is comparatively inelastic on this forepart due to the limited array of chances available to sell engines, and because of the comparative catholicity and tangibleness of what makes a good end-product. Though it is still possible to know apart on the degree of scale – for case, a company could take to specialize in the production o f small-scale engines, though the specificity of this market tends to do production more cosmopolitan. The market for food markets nevertheless, being much larger and more diverse, offers all sorts of ways to specialize and to beginning countries where competitory advantage can be gained. For case, a food market retail merchant that lone caters to Chinese veggies would contract the market significantly but besides make the constitution of a repute for high quality food markets in this peculiar field much easier to get. This is because the focal point is strictly upon supplying this limited scope to a specific client base. Finally, action-based positioning is concerned about sectioning between clients who are frequently available in different ways. Although once more this isn’t peculiarly relevant to the comparatively fixed market of the Aero-engine, it can be applied to food markets in the signifier of convenience shops that frequently charge a higher monetary value but have more convenient gap hours. Other developments in this field include the development of Internet and place bringing services, which allow for a greater market to be accessed. Performance Results A competitory advantage can be sustained supplying that the given client base is happy with the terminal merchandise. The importance of this factor is dependent in many ways upon the positioning of the given merchandise, but can be an effectual beginning of rival advantage. Examples of positive public presentation results include satisfaction, trueness, market portion and profitableness. The former is arguably the most of import measure toward deriving competitory advantage in about any market, but is particularly of import in the aero-engine market and even to some extent in specific niches of the food market market. Because the aero-engine market is specifically targeted towards a engineering that can be measured in touchable footings ( power, velocity, efficiency ) , the production of a merchandise that is of a higher quality than rivals is indispensable in set uping market portion and deriving competitory advantage. Although client satisfaction is ever of import, convenience base d retail merchants tend to endure less if criterions are somewhat lower. This, nevertheless, is offset by other factors such as longer gap hours and geographical convenience. Loyalty is a really of import issue in doing certain that clients return in both industries covered. Because the aero-engine market is really specific, and frequently caters to really big companies, the trueness of that company is frequently equivalent to the really endurance of the concern. Therefore, it has to be ensured that the merchandise itself is of the highest quality. Grocery retail can use other techniques much more efficaciously than the aero-engine market. Loyalty can be cultivated through the pseudo-differentiation techniques of stigmatization and selling. For case, coca-cola, which is basically a sugar-water solution, has cultivated tremendous popularity and competitory advantage chiefly through stigmatization. Fiona Czerniawska and Gavin Potter ( 1998 ) remark that The intent of a trade name as exemplified by, say, soft drinks is to bring forth trueness for a merchandise that is basically uniform, in this instance, flavoured sugar and water ( 29 ) . Similarly, particularly in retail food market, stigmatization can be highly utile in cultivating trueness to a specific concern, increasing profitableness, and can hence be a really utile beginning of competitory advantage. While both markets are less passing than, state, the athleticss manner market ( Nike, Adidas etc. ) or the soft-drinks market, client trueness cultivated through stigmatization still remains an of import peripheral factor to the constitution of a client base, and leads to the growing of market portion. When used in combination with techniques discussed before, branding can besides take to increased overall profitableness. Technological Knowhow The construction of a company is an of import factor in raising efficiency and profitableness and, when implemented good, provides a beginning of competitory advantage in both industries analysed. The food market retail market, depending upon whether the company is concerned with the mass market, or in emerging markets such as the production of organic or high-quality goods, depends upon puting up a concern construction that facilitates the demands of the company. If moralss are a cardinal issue of the company, it is of import that the concern construction echoes this sentiment by set uping itself in a non-hierarchical manner. Similarly, if the food market retailer’s precedence is the mass cargo of goods, so the morale of forces working in the retail merchant must be high plenty to ease efficiency, while at the same clip staying inexpensive plenty to guarantee greater degrees of growing within the concern. The aero-engine market depends to a big extent upon its work force and the accomplishments that they can offer throughout the company. Certain recent developments in direction that focus upon Just In Time and Total Quality Management techniques are centrally of import when trying to retain the highest standard forces that can lend efficaciously to the concern. In order to make this, the concern theoretical account has to integrate staff at all degrees and, to an extent, be every bit non-hierarchical as possible. In all technological markets that are dependent upon invention, it is of import that the thoughts of the skilled work force are utilised to the greatest extent and that Fordist, hierarchal systems of direction are avoided. Michael Best ( 2001 ) suggests that this technique should be known as feedback , because it allows for any portion of the concern hierarchy to interact with any other portion, hence leting for inefficiencies to be filtered out by the overall mechanism of the concern hierarchy. Using Canon as an illustration, Best stresses tha t technology direction [ †¦ ] is non a additive procedure get downing with generic engineering. The procedure begins with developmental research for intents of merchandise invention on technological classs near or at the top of the engineering pyramid. This research is conducted on or following to the shopfloor. Findingss at this degree provender into applied research in design centres or concern degree labs which, in bend, leads to alterations in nucleus engineering ; where applied research is non plenty, cardinal research in corporate research labs is conducted at the generic engineering degree. Contributions here lead to technological progress that can feed back into scientific knowledge ( 43 ) . Indeed, new technological companies are boundlessly concerned about engineerings, and these engineerings in many respects are centralised around the effectual use of antecedently untapped accomplishments and resources of the people working at all degrees in the company hierarchy. Th e changeless development of new engineering is cardinal to the Aero-engine industry, as new developments in engineering would instantly put the company in a place where a beginning of technological competitory advantage is frequent. This concern construction and attack to human resource direction ensures that new engineering and technological developments, when assisted by Research and Development, are a changeless beginning of new thoughts and systematically offer the potency of competitory advantage over challengers. Decision The beginnings of competitory advantage can be attributed to positional advantages, public presentation factors and technological techniques. These tend to run in synergism to give the more successful companies a lead in the market place that generates competitory advantage. Although food market retail and aero-engine design are radically different in their markets, production civilizations and services, they can still be said to trust on these basic rules in order to keep a net income. Grocery retail companies, because the end-product is less easy measured in distinct footings, tend to utilize many of the positional techniques outlined above to specialize toward certain parts of the market, or upon presenting a specific type of merchandise or to a specific client base. These specialization factors, while cut downing the figure of possible clients, besides allows for a greater focal point to be placed upon the clients thatmakeexist, and hence enables a little concern to vie in a mark et where big corporations dominate the mass-market retail concern. Specialisation, hence, is an highly of import beginning of competitory advantage in food market retail. Besides, other factors such as trueness and repute can be cultivated by consistent selling schemes and branding that guarantee a certain food market mercantile establishment is remembered. Because aero-engine industry is already a specific market, and can be measured in more touchable footings, there tends to be less focus upon branding and specialization. HRM is highly of import in the aero-engine market to guarantee that the concern remains at the cutting border of new engineerings. Techniques as Entire Quality Management and non-hierarchical direction constructions help to retain a extremely skilled and competitory work force, and besides aids in using the abilities of the work force to develop new engineerings with improve efficiency and unafraid competitory advantage and increase overall profitableness. Bibliography Best, Michael ( 2001 ) ,The New Competitive Advantage: The Renewal of American Industry,Oxford: Oxford University Press. Czerniawska, Fiona A ; Potter, Gavin ( 1998 ) ,Business in a Virtual Universe: Exploiting Information for Competitive Advantage,London: Macmillan. Incubators Glossary from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ accessed 13 Feb 2007 ] . Lowson, Robert H. ( 2002 ) ,Strategic Operations Management: The New Competitive Advantage,London: Routledge. Unicorn Grocery Website, hypertext transfer protocol: // A ; veg.php [ accessed 13 Feb 2007 ] .